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Omelette Puri | Egg Puri

Omelette Puri | Egg Puri

Omelette puri | Egg puri is all about Omelette inside the puri, this can be enjoyed as breakfast, brunch , tea time snack or dinner. We all love egg and the dishes made out of it and many of us are very fond of puri's and fusion of this two will result in a simple yet very delightful delicious item. And a dessert followed by this Omelette puri will just make our day, you can try our Almond kheer and Chocolate pan cake

Omelette puri | Egg puri requires a very less amount of time for preparation with very less number of ingredients, anyone who is less familiar with cooking can also easily make this recipe, only thing we need to keep in mind is the puri dough which should be bit hard. And this can be served with tomato ketchup or green chutney.

Below is the making of Omelette puri

Below is the detailed recipe:
  • Author : Annapurna 
  • Type : Snack 
  • Cuisine : Indian 
  • Serves : 2


  • 1 cup wheat flour
  • 1 tea spoon salt
  • Water as required(for dough)
  • 2 eggs
  • Pepper powder
  • oil


  • Take one cup wheat flour and add a pinch of salt and knead it to a soft dough.
  • In a pan add little oil and break an egg prepare a half boiled omelette.
  • Once that's done place it in a plate.
  • Now make two puri's of equal size.
  • Place this half done omelette on one puri and cover it with another puri.
  • Now heat oil in a pan for frying the puri's.
  • Once heated fry the omelette covered puri.

Delicious omelette puri | Egg puri ready.


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